Posted by nobody special on 01/15/08 01:42
I don't know why you can't rent more audio gear, either from a video
production rental outfit or a music instrument store. Surely, ten
bucks is not a lot to pay for a day rental of a mic or mixer? You
either can do the event or you can't.
If you have a spare person who will do nothing but aim the shotgun
around all day as each eprson speaks, go for it.
You could use a boundary mic likea PZM placed equidistant between two
people and thus combine them to one channel. These can grab maybe
three people ata time spaced at arm's length, and theu lay flat on
the table unobtrusively. Though the more you place any mic away from
and off-axis from people, the worse you're going to sound, PZM's have
helped me get out of overcrowded/undermic'ed situations like your
before, with surprisingly good results. Other unsatisfactory
compromises include having the panelists take turns passing the mic to
speak. Not geat but better than nothing. You'll have tons of noise to
fix in post.
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