Posted by Richard Crowley on 01/22/08 01:03
"EJ" wrote...
> EJ wrote:
>> After rescuing my computer (and large Premier 6.5 project)
>> from a crash, I find that the project is intact -ALMOST.
>> Everything is there in the time-line except that 3 of the four
>> original large avi files, and their edited pieces on the time-line
>> have turned intoblackholes.
> During computer recovery, Windows had renamed three of
> the drive letters. The video wanted to be on the drive (letter)
> on which it had been captured. When I Re-renamed the drives,
> the video all appeared again as normal.
Alternate solution: When you open the project and Premiere
asks you where are the files it can't find, you just re-direct it
to the new locations. No fooling around with drive letters
needed. IME, Premiere has no preset expectations about
where it "wants" files to be. You, the end-user, can specify
them wherever you fancy.
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