Posted by sima on 01/24/08 10:41
> meh, i've got one, got it for christmas. can't say i'm arsed even if
> it does "die" cos there's still plenty of good films available in the
> format that'll do me.
if there's a HD-DVD writer comming out, you'll be to burn bluerays onto
HD-dvd.anyway ;o)
> i'm sure i'll end up with a PS3, or a bluray player at least, at some
> point as well.
I got the ps3 for MGS(and is still waiting) not for blueray, watch me dvds
> the whole "My HD video format is better than yours!" thing really is
> sad beyond belief.
I know just watch the movie ENDOF whatnext my isp is better than yours, end
of the day you go with what your happy with
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