Posted by P Pron on 02/04/06 17:39
John Howells wrote:
|| "Bratboy" <> wrote
||| While I was redoing my netflix queue this morning I noticed that in
||| my saved titles section they now list High Anxiety as being avail
||| April 06. Does anyone have some details on it as the only version
||| listed at Amazon right now is Spain released PAL/R2.
||| Thanks in advance for any help finding more info.
|| It's in the Mell Brooks Box Set due on that date, though probably
|| also for separate release.
|| John Howells
Not of much use to Bratboy, John, but it has also been available as part of
an "HMV Exclusive" collection since Christmas 2004 -;-1;-1;-1&sku=328548
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