Posted by Bill's News on 01/30/08 17:06
<peter@for-wild.org> wrote in message
>I remember seeing a clip from a DVD, probably one the BBC
> produced by
> David Attenborough, of a baby bird pushing its younger sibling
> out of
> the nest to die,
> while the mother watches. I think the bird was an albatross or
> something.
> Does anyone know which DVD this scene came from? Thanks in
> advance.
> Peter
Can't recall whether Attenborough did this or not. Hooded
Merganser and Wood Duck (Hoody and Woody) sometimes share a nest
(mothers alternating, chicks reared together). When food is
scarce, the larger chick is likely to assassinate its
competitors. Perhaps one mother watches, but what of it? It's
silly to attribute human emotions or motivations to animals, not
that they are emotionless or motiveless;-0)
Albatross, and most sea birds, are unlikely to permit the
opportunity for a foreign egg in their nest.
Think about it. Nature photographers rarely stumble across
un-natural situations. Instead, they are aware of natural
behaviors and environmental circumstances which they can camp
amongst to capture a planned scene.
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