Posted by audiohead on 09/05/05 12:10
Reply to Joel continued... I actually have spent a considerable amount
of time and money researching the most effective, reliable, least
expensive, user friendly method for converting protected WMA's. And,
I'm happy to report that I've found it. It's called BulletProof
Conversions. Here's their link. http://home.earthlink.net/~magnel709j
in case your "fair and balanced" mind forgot. And, don't bother trying
to email me anymore .exe virus attachments. It won't work bonehead!!!
I've tried just about every conversion product out there including:
background recorders, brute force decoders, .exe bullcrap, CDMaster 32
tutorial, cdex, Music jukebox etcetera, and while some work the vast
majority leave the sound quality at something less than sub-standard.
My method (BulletProof Conversions) doesn't effect the sound quality in
any way. Also, many of these conversion products are way too
complicated to use or are outright illegal. Of course with your
superior intellect these other methods must be a breeze for you to use.
Do me and everyone else on planet earth a favor and go back to your
liberal First Amendment Rights investigation of Fox News so we can all
be safe and sound from monopolizers. The only thing that's ironic here
is your original asinine reply "gives.......their money deserves to go
to hell." I guess in your feeble, uneducated mind anyone can exercise
their First Amendment right as long as there isn't any profit involved.
Time to wake up bonehead, and come out of the era of free love and
free exchange of information. In case you haven't come into the
twenty-first century yet the sale and dissemination of information has
become the most valuable commodity on planet earth.
I've exercised my First Amendment Right and my inalienable right to
make a profit. Perhaps this is what's bothering you? Maybe you've never
been in business for yourself before, and have lived a rather meager,
pathetic life. For every negative, jealous, non-believing reply I
receive from boneheads like you on this forum I sell three Conversion
The only one who deserves to go to hell is you bonehead. Go back to
your liberal cave of free exchange and continue trying to make a living
posting your pathetic quotes.
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