Posted by doc on 12/28/05 18:20
i don't even use adobe premier but rest assured it's a default setting
within adobe somewhere on the output. most pro editors work similiar. look
for output settings and within the settings parameters there will a check
box, drop down, etc. that determines the ouput size configuration.
"_bojan" <bojan.fulanovic1@zg.t-com.hr> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I have JVC GZ-MC500E camera which record on mini drive in MOD file format.
> Camera has option to record with pixel aspect ratio 1.433 (16:9 format).
> When I play recorded tracks in PowerDVD it works fine, picture is in 16:9
> format, but when I make DVD with software that comes with camera
> (CyberLink PowerDirector), DVD is recorded in 4:3 format. Anyone knows why
> and how to solve this problem ?
> Also when I import these MOD files in Adobe Premiere Elements, files are
> also recognized as 4:3 format.
> What am I doing wrong ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Bojan
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