Posted by ~~~AllisonWonderland~~~ on 10/04/88 11:37
Richard Crowley:
> Thanks for the info.
> Generally the most important things are: the operating
> system and version number, the application software
> and version number; and the identity of whatever video
> hardware (firewire, capture card, etc.) you are using.
James C. Allison:
Windows2000Pro, ServicePack2, Premiere 6.0, Matrox2500.
> How exactly do you have your source (Camcorder/VCR)
> connected to the computer?
IEEE 1394
> Generic firewire port?
> Some kind of firewire port on the RT2500?
Yes. There are two of them.
> Some other kind of interconnection (analog?) between the source and the
> computer?
Well, there are A/V and S-Video available to the Matrox2500, but they are
not hooked up. I had them hooked up, but unhooked them to see if they were
the cause of the problem. It didn't change anything.
> You may have an RT2500-specific issue. I believe there
> are Matrox-specific forums where you may find better
> help than here.
I will take a look to see if I can find them. Got a link?
> This is a very generic newsgroup where
> lots of different systems are discussed, even Apple, etc.
Well, I must say that I'm enjoying reading the wide ranging discussions.
> Note also that W2K and especially Premiere 6.0 are pretty
> old and likely don't enjoy the level of support that current
> versions have.
I built this system in 2002. And that was when I had the funds to put it
together. There have been intervening (health and other) issues that have
precluded my working with it until now. But in the time between then and
now, I have done a lot of other work on the project such as building a TV
Studio, and a Sound Studio. But it is all finished, and I'm just now getting
to doing the stuff that was the reason for putting it together in the first
> Some of the higher-end packages (like the RT2500) do
> things differently/separately from the generic way that
> Premiere does them. Are you doing the capture (all the
> connections and procedures) according to the Matrox
> instructions?
Strangely enough Richard, the Matrox stuff just doesn't work! BUT the
generic way does (all except for the MovieCaptureWindow not playing.
> (Not just the generic Premiere instructions.)
That's what DOES work.
> Are you sure you have the Matrox RT2500 installed
> correctly, with whatever internal jumper cables, etc.?
Yes. It is all exactly as it should be.
> Some of those combos require a special ribbon cable
> installed between the capture card and the graphics
> card.
I know. There is a ribbon cable that had to be "twisted" just right. I did
it exactly as it should have been.
> Did you install the Matrox and Premiere stuff in the
> proper order?, no error messages?
> They apper to "recognize" each other properly?
> That combination is much more complex to install than the generic fire-
> wire card that many (most?) of us use.
I'm beginning to think that the route I have taken (Matrox RT2500) was NOT
the best way to go. And I'm beginning to think that I may abandon the RT2500
in favor of generic Firewire card.
> Is this a newly assembled system, or did it work before
> and fail recently?
It is a brand new system, but it is four years old (as explained above). You
see, I could have waited till I had my health problems in hand, and my
studios built, but I had the funds to do it then, and probably wouldn't have
had them had I waited.
The problem with the Matrox stuff is that it doesn't have any way to select
the MiniDV Cassette Deck in order to control it. The generic Firewire
settings do. I just can't get the Matrox stuff to work no matter what I do.
I'm not exasperated, or anything like that. I am enjoying the challenge of
doing this. I enjoy working with computers, and have been messing with them
since 1967, though the computers I had access to were not the PC types that
we have today. Originally the memory was on punch cards! I didn't get my
first PC till 1987 (a 286 IBM Clone called a BasicTime w/ a 20 megabyte HDD.
I still have it!).
Originally everything was in DOS, as this was BEFORE Windoze.
I was into computer graphics, and I worked as a typesetter with
Compugraphics equipment, and then came the Internet, and I've been more and
more into it culminating in this DTV system.
And I think I have figured out why the sound doesn't play. I was expecting
it to play on the TV with the Audio from the TV. I have a separate sound
system to which both the SoundBlaster and the Delta 1010LT are connected,
BUT I haven't had it turned on.
But the immediate problem is the inability to preview the clips in the
MovieCaptureWindow. Getting THAT to work is the focal point at this time.
Again, thanks for the replies. I'm enjoying talking to someone about this.
Hope this finds YOU doing well.
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