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Re: DVD->DV output??

Posted by doc on 10/05/58 11:37

here's another way. simply hook up the vcr to the old DV cam recorder
inputs, then play the tapes while recording on the cam. then "capture" the
dv, and wha-lah, it's digitized and in the NLE without a BOB (breakout box)
or interface :o)


"Ralf Hutter" <> wrote in message
> Hello,
> Looks like I can't use the Canopus' video converter box to change my
> analog videos to DV, as I have Win98se--- not the Win2000+ that
> Canopus specifies :-(.
> I have been backing up some of these tapes onto DVD with the DV input
> on my stand-alone DVD burner. On playback, these DVDs look great!
> So, are there any DVD players or recorders that have a DV OUTPUT?
> That way my computer would capture video that would not need
> processing to the degree that trying to rip it from the computer's DVD
> unit.
> Any suggestions/flames welcomed, I am obviously new at this!
> Maybe I'm approaching this from a REALLY weird angle!
> Cheers, Jeff



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