Posted by Specs on 01/22/06 18:22
> Whatever you call it, it is STILL Avid.
To substantiate your claim please list the similarities that Liquid 7 shares
with ANY Avid product other than the letters on the box. Please, fire
> Wow... 90% of Hollywood use it.
So 90% of Hollywood use Liquid 7 do they? No didn't think so. The 90% is
completely unsubstantiatable and is often rolled by the Koolaid drinkers to
avoid the embarassing fact for Avid that in the broadcast market their
position of closed shop has been broken. I only used Avid because I had
little choice now I have excellent tools at our disposal that I can
offline/online/finish and deliver any SD and HD format a client might wish
for. All for the fraction that an equivalent Avid suite would cost and have
tighter integration to boot.
Do I have an agenda? Yes, to stay in business....
But clearly you are in a different business to me.
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