Posted by Stan on 01/23/06 23:15
Can't figure out whether to laugh or cry.
PARK CITY, Utah -- Give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of
typewriters and you'll eventually get Hamlet. Give enough Beastie Boy fans
video cameras and you have Awesome; I Fuckin' Shot That -- the first
concert film, or big-time film of any kind, shot by amateurs.
The Beasties, an iconoclastic, 40-something hip-hop band, handed out 55
Hi-8 and six digital video cameras at a Madison Square Garden on October 9,
2004. They also gave their untrained videographers some simple
instructions: do whatever you want -- rock out, act like a filmmaker, try
and sneak backstage -- but keep rolling tape.
When the show was done, band member Adam Yauch (aka MCA, aka Nathanial
Hrnblowr) spent a year editing the very raw footage into Awesome, a new
kind of concert film premiering this week at the Sundance Film Festival.
Yauch is credited as the film's director.
The Beasties movie certainly isn't for everyone -- there were lots of
walkouts during the film's press screening here -- but Yauch and his
bandmates have given the concert film an extreme makeover.
Instead of seeing shots, say, of the drummer flipping his sticks in the
air, you get a split second of his Hush Puppies shoe on the bass drum
pedal. Next, the film jumps to a fan singing the words, and then a wide
shot from the nosebleed seats in the Garden. The action often happens too
fast too follow with the naked eye, but the result is at times thrilling.
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