Posted by jayembee on 09/27/91 11:31
Stan Brown <the_stan_brown@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> jayembee <jayembeenospam@snurcher.com>:
>> Stan Brown <the_stan_brown@fastmail.fm> wrote:
>>> Too bad. I don't see this being a runaway DVD hit like Family
>>> Guy and getting a new project greenlighted -- Firefly/Serenity
>>> is too expensive to shoot.
>> Actually, it was relatively cheap. $40M for what we got on the
>> screen was amazingly cheap.
> $40 million? Someone else quoted $80 million.
The production cost was $40M. $80M was the figure that Joss
says that Universal quoted him as the minimum gross that they
needed to see in order to consider another film. Which is pretty
typical. The gross needs to be roughly twice the production cost
in order for the studio to start seeing a profit.
-- jayembee
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