Posted by Mike Kujbida on 03/02/06 14:20
Luser wrote:
> jazu wrote:
> > Ok.
> > We have some talk about audio. Now is time for video editing:)
> > For quite time I record my "music" using DDClip audio editor program. About
> > the same principle I used in Vegas to edit my video. I don't know what is
> > "proper" way to do editing in Vegas, but using my ways I achieved the result
> > I wanted.
> > I believe there are many tricks I don't know yet and I even don't know what
> > to ask for.
> > Therefore I'm open to any tips you could give me.
> > One question regarding Vegas. How to setup program so I could see two
> > cameras at the same time, without switching.
> > Would it help if I'd connect to the computer additional monitor?
> > cheers
> Not sure this is what you're thinking of, but you can drop the shots
> from both cameras on the timeline, one above the other so you can see
> them both.
> Someone posted this link some time back, you might like to look it over:
> http://www.videoguys.com/Vegas_Tips/TTS01-09.pdf
Two more suggestions in addition to this one.
The first is to place each camera's footage (I sure hope you let both
cameras roll without stopping as this will make syncing it up MUCH
easier) on separate tracks.
Now use Track Morion to shrink it down to approximately 1/4 screen
size. Place camera 1 in the top left of the screen and camera 2 in the
bottom right.
Use the audio from one camera only as a master and line both video
tracks up. Delete the unwanted audio clip.
Use the numeric 1 (backwards) and 3 (forward) keys to slip the track
forwards/backwards one frame at a time until you're in sync.
Play through the video and add markers ('M' key) at the points you want
to switch from camera 1 to camera 2. Name the markers (1 & 2) if you
want to in order to help you remember what goes where.
Now it's time to remove the sections you don't want. Place your cursor
on the first marker and split ('S' key) the clips. Make sure you click
in a blank area below the timeline or you'll only split one clip and
not both. Repeat until done.
Go through your timeline and delete all unwanted clips.
Now use the numeric 8 key to move clips from video trak 2 to video
track 1. For future reference, the numeric 2 key moves a track down.
Remove the Track Motion effect, delete video track 2 and you should be
The other way is to download DoubleTake (it's free) from the VASST site
at http://tinyurl.com/g8yj4
Make sure to read the FAQ, watch the demo video and download the user
and installation guides as well.
You'll need to register first. I highly recommend doing this as the
site has a lot of helpful tools but you must be registered to access
DoubleTake automates a lot of what I just explained so you will
probably find it quite useful.
One last recommendation and that is to save often. After making
several changes, I usually save it as a new version (eg. music-1.veg,
music-2.veg, etc.). That way, if I do make a mistake, I haven't lost a
lot of work.
Good luck with the project and happy editing.
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