Posted by Roy L. Fuchs on 10/06/74 11:41
On Sat, 04 Mar 2006 14:25:29 GMT, sechumlib <sechumlib@liberal.net>
Gave us:
>>>>On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 07:41:00 GMT, Roy L. Fuchs
>>>><roylfuchs@urfargingicehole.org> wrote:
>>>>> The second most retarded thing an idiot can do in Usenet is announce
>>>>>their filter file edits.
>>>>> The MOST retarded thing an idiot in Usenet can do is to use filters
>>>>>at all.
>>>>> Filter your news, and you filter your mind.
>But the MOST retarded thing an idiot can do is assume that because one
>says "plonk", one is automatically filtering.
Did your idiot ass actually think I was posting with the thought in
my head that he would not see it?
Most of these assholes say plonk, but don't really do anything.
I do not assume anything, dipshit.
So I have not "sechumed" to your bullshit assessment.
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