Posted by Tarkus on 06/09/06 15:18
On 6/9/2006 4:54:11 AM, Joshua Zyber wrote:
> "asj" <kalim1998@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:1149832224.069336.137470@h76g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...
>>>> If more buyers would support HD-DVD and say no to Blu-Ray, then we
>>>> would not have a format war which is damaging the dvd industry.
>>>> Join the HD-DVD Support Group over at www.hd-dvd.uk.com\\
>>> Dude, it's over already. Give it up.
>> See, even Pioneer has dumped DVD completely to move to Blu-ray ;-)
>> http://news.portalit.net/fullnews_Pioneer-Dumps-DVDs,-Focuses-On-Blu-ray_1624.html
> Perhaps if you could actually comprehend what you read, you'd see that
> all Pioneer has ceased is development of new DVD Recorders in favor of
> developing Blu-Ray Recorder units. They will still sell DVD Recorders,
> but OEM'ed from another company. This will not affect Pioneer's DVD
> Player business, or their releases of DVDs themselves (via their
> Geneon unit).
I take it you didn't comprehend the ;-) at the end of his post.
"The term is 'courting,' thank you. The restraining order
says 'no-no,' but her eyes say 'yes-yes.'"
Now playing: the radio.
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