Posted by RichardK on 06/12/06 08:02
NRen2k5 wrote:
> Oh, there's also MP3 but *very* few stores use it, and they don't sell
> the music that the average customer is actually looking for. In other
> words, MP3's share of the online music market is negligible.
> Thank you and goodnight.
Does this mean you're finally buggering off?
RichardK - http://www.dmc12.demon.co.uk/ - retro, music, cars.
2006 Mazda RX8, 1992 Sera Phase III -= Do Not Tempt With New Cars =-
"If the thought of something makes me giggle for more than 15 seconds I
am to assume I am not allowed to do it". * 64 is 128 for email *
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