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Re: idon't do iPod

Posted by Jim on 06/14/06 11:16

In article <gXRjg.33568$>, NRen2k5 wrote:
>>>>> Time for you to show how exactly how it is *not* illegal.
>>>> Are you stupid? The burden of proof lies with the accuser.
>>>> It's guilt that has to be proven, not innocence.
>>> This is Usenet, not a court of law.
>> In other words, you can't prove that Apple are breaking any laws.
>> Thank you for admitting it.
> In other words yes.
> Which doesn't mean that I can't claim that they are

I don't object to you stating that as an opinion. I objected to you
stating it as a fact.

> nor does it mean
> that I have been proven wrong

You've been proven wrong on a number of issues so far. I can't prove
that Apple aren't breaking any laws. You can't prove they are.

> nor does it mean that they in reality
> aren't actually breaking any laws.
> It just means that I don't have the proof.

Which means they're innocent in the eyes of the law. That's how it works.
Innocent until proven guilty.

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