Posted by ML on 10/16/17 11:52
estam wrote:
> When I load a playlist of mp3 tunes, the name of the tune and artist
> appears for a few seconds then is overwritten by the name of the album
> followed by the track number. Is there a way to select the display of
> the name of tune and artist? Many thanks for any help...
First, check the mp3's tags to make sure they are correct. If so, go
into Winamp options. On the left side you should see a "General
Preferences" and under it "Titles". Select that.
On the right side you should see a box labeled "Advanced Title
Formatting." Mine has "Use advanced title formatting when possible"
selected. Then for the "Advanced title display format" I have
"[%artist% - ]$if2(%title%,$filepart(%filename%))". What this does is
if the mp3 has an artist and title in the tags, they are displayed,
otherwise the file name is displayed.
Is this what you are needing?
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