Posted by Doug Jacobs on 07/08/06 00:10
In rec.games.video.sony Roy L. Fuchs <roylfuchs@urfargingicehole.org> wrote:
> That because most of you were rental retards not yet ready to give up
> your capacity to record, regardless of the resolution / quality
> difference... WUSSIES!
'rental retards'...heh, you're cute. So if someone's unable to spend tens
of thousands of dollars on home theater equipment and media, they're just
considered inferior to the masculine replacement that is your Home
Theater, right? In the 80s it was your LD player, now it's your HD-DVD
Fred pegged you with his first response to you.
At least when guys like you buy expensive sports cars, they tend to last
longer than just a few years - unlike your HD-DVD player which I have no
doubt will be tossed aside in a few years for something newer, shinier,
and more expensive.
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