Posted by Teeafit on 09/15/06 17:05
Is anyone aware of a UK training establishment that does one-to-one or
group courses for Adobe Encore? I need to be SURE that I've done it
right first time on a project, because there's no way I can produce a
master DVD for duplication and then find it's been wrongly authored --
been there, worn that pullover... anyone want 2000 novelty beermats?!
I'm not interested in web-based training (no drains here, let alone
broadband!), and the tutorial discs don't let you ask that key question
that you've hung up on, but which unlocks the undersanding the whole
I've found one place advertised in London -- and at London prices. The
rail fare and accommodation alone would break the budget, let alone the
cost of the course! Anyone any more local knowledge (preferably in
northern England)?
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