Posted by Aaron J. Bossig on 01/17/07 22:03
asjbiotek@gmail.com wrote in
> read the reports.....playstation 3 is projected to ultimately top
> total sales of Xbox 360 even with the 1 year head start of xbox360 as
> games start rolling out for the playstation 3.
> http://www.psu.com/node/6464
> New Year 2007 for PlayStation 3 begins with a new report from Ireland
> based Business analyst firm Research and Markets which claims PS3 will
> maintain the largest market share by 2010; albeit with a slimmer
> margin than in previous generations.
> The report, which is available to purchase for $1,420 USD (
> 1,070.00) analyzes changing demographics, the impact of technological
> developments and features a comparative assessment of the major
> industry players such as EA, Sony and Nintendo.
The reports I've been reading project HD-DVD to maintain a consistent
and significant lead in the home video market. The PS3, likewise,
will be roughly tied with the X-Box 360 in overall market share. And
also, that George Lucas and Emril Lagasse dress up in spandex and
fight crime.
These reports are available to purchase for $3,200 USD.
Aaron J. Bossig
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