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Re: VHS vs. DVD - comparing horizontal resolutions

Posted by PDTV on 04/15/07 17:51

On Apr 15, 12:05 am, (Bill Vermillion) wrote:
> In article <>,

> There are DVDs that are designed for archival storage. They
> aren't cheap but they are out there.

Um, yeah... and there are also "Broadcast-Quality" VHS tapes, so
what's your point? Both terms are just marketing bullshit.
Broadcasters don't use VHS, and DVD-R is not an archival medium,

That said, it's pretty stupid to advocate a lower-res, linear medium
that incurs physical wear during playback over a hi-res (albeit
compressed) laser-read medium. If you feel insecure about the
longevity of DVD-R media, reburn everything onto fresh media every
couple years.

Keep in mind that any media manufacturer can guarantee their stuff
will last 100 years, but if it fails, all they can give you back is
your money. In other words, guarantee or not, your footage will still
be lost forever.



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