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Re: VHS vs. DVD - comparing horizontal resolutions

Posted by PDTV on 04/15/07 18:04

Okay, this is really starting to piss me off. I know it might seem
confusing at first glance, but that's why you need to THINK before you
go posting something as if it's gospel truth.

The fact is that 1080i or 1080p refers to VERTICAL resolution, which
is the number of horizontal lines the picture is made up of. It's
dirt simple if you understand basic video theory, but here is an
example of an image with five lines of vertical resolution:


There you go -- counting vertically, there are five lines. Thus, it
is called VERTICAL resolution, even though you're counting horizontal
lines. It's not the orientation of the lines that counts, it's how
many are stacked VERTICALLY on the screen to make up the image. How
people continually fuck this up is beyond me, and it really pisses me
off when someone who has it ass-backwards tries to make himself out to
be an "authority".

I'll go even further and explain the "i" and "p", which should drive
home the point about 1080 being the VERTICAL resolution. Here's an
example of 5i, where the 5 lines are drawn one field at a time:

1 _______________________________
4 _______________________________
2 _______________________________
5 _______________________________

....and here is an example of 5p, where all lines are drawn in one

1 _______________________________
2 _______________________________
3 _______________________________
4 _______________________________
5 _______________________________

Anyone with any further doubts, read this article:

The sometimes dubious nature of Wikipedia articles aside, I promise
you that the information in this one is accurate.

Now, can we get back to other matters???



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