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Re: VHS vs. DVD - comparing horizontal resolutions

Posted by electrochrome on 04/16/07 00:49

> Recordable DVDs rely upon a dye to preserve the
> information. That dye, even if protected from sunlight, will fade
> over time. Current estimate is as short as 5 years time.

The "estimates" are B.S., as usual. I have DVD-R discs I traded
for back in late 2002. They still play perfectly. Here's a real hoot
one of 'em is an Optodisc brand! The worst of the worst. Total
crap. Yet it still plays beautifully on my eqpt. Go figure.

Of course, any sensible person will periodically dupe all hi/r
DVD-Rs every couple of years. My duping period is 2 years.
Everything gets duped once it hits the 2 year mark. So I've
got at least 2 copies of everything in my collection. Sure, that's
a lotta DVD-Rs, when you dupe 'em incrementally, it's easy

The great thing about DVD-R is you can copy everything
digitally. Perfect copies, bit for bit. So even if it was originally
on VHS, once it's on DVD-R, it's immortal. You just need to
copy it periodically..



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