Posted by def456 on 06/11/07 16:17
"def456" <def456@none.none> wrote in message
> Netflix has been remarkably good and reliable since I joined 6 months ago,
> until just recently...
> They've started delaying shipment of movies til the next day, after they
> receive a movie back from me. In the past they've almost always shipped a
> new movie the same day. Now most are delayed shipment til the next day.
> Anybody else seeing this problem?
> I asked them, and their response was that those movies were being shipped
> from a different location, rather than my usual "hub" (presumably the
> closest office location). I don't think that's logical nor a valid reason
> for a shipping delay.
After communicating with them and reading their TOS, I believe their
software is buggy. To make it work right, you should move titles to the top
of your queue which are available "NOW". If a movie isn't available "NOW",
move it lower in your queue, and only move it to the top when it becomes
available "NOW". Their software shouldn't require this but I believe it
does. So when it encounters a movie at the top of your queue which says
there's any kind of delay or wait involved, it should skip over it to the
next available movie, which shouldn't affect the shipping date - but it
The other factor is the number of movies rented at once. Their TOS clearly
says that they give highest priority to those who rent the fewest movies. So
the only way to fix that would be to reduce the number of movies you rent.
For example if you're renting 8 out at a time, cut back to 3-4 at a time,
etc. I'm renting 6 at a time, and may cut back to 3-4 also.
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