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Re: Sony BVV-5 deck needs alignment?

Posted by Bill Farnsworth on 06/23/07 00:22

<> wrote
> I'm not sure if that's what the problem is - I put in an old
> tape in it that I recorded before this problem started,
> and it plays, but there are black lines on the image,
> as seen in the viewfinder. I know the footage is good,
> it's the deck. I already tried cleaning the heads with
> a cleaning tape.
> So next week I have to look around for somebody to
> take a look at it. Does it sound like it might just need
> a little alignment?
> Thanks!

Common problem with Betacam backs and camcorders.
During playback a FEW thin black lines in the viewfinder but not seen
on a monitor when output through a playback adapter or in another deck
is not considered a problem. (very common actually in Betacams)
HOWEVER...... if the lines are thicker and in every shot it means your
capstan pinch roller has come to the end of it's broadcasting day. The
rubber pinch roller has dried up and hardened.
It is an assembly that is easily replaced. But must be done by a tech
because the tension must be adjusted back to spec.
If you drop the door down and locate the pinch roller and capstan
assembly, you will see that the pinch roller looks dark brown and
The repair is probably in the $400 range.

Bill F.



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