Posted by Derek Janssen on 06/29/07 20:16
Lloyd Parsons wrote:
> And there are also all kinds of sales going on to help.
> Starting 7/1/2007, if you buy a Blu Ray player, including the PS3, you
> can send off for 5 free Blu Ray movies. Check AVSforums for link and
> info.
Uh-hahhh, yes, but read the small print carefully:
Five free Blu disks *if* you buy a hardware Blu player through Sept. 30,
And WHAT happens to hardware Blu players on Oct. 1, kiddies? 9_9
(Always smell a rat when you see a "free corporate giveaway":
I remember when Disney literally threw their old leftover Limited
Edition disks at us for free when they put out the first Platinum
Edition, so I know how to spot an obsolete-merchandise clearance sale
when I see one.)
Derek Janssen
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