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Re: Which CD Ripper and Editing Software for Newbie?

Posted by dadiOH on 10/01/07 22:27

Clueless in Seattle wrote:

> So I'd be grateful for some advice on how which program to use to
> create MP3s from my CD colletion,

CDex or Audiograbber

> and also software to edit the
> MP3s. I would like to be able to cut out pieces from the middle of
> tracks, splice pieces of tracks together, put fade outs and fade
> ins on the end or beginning of tracks and perhaps even do cross
> fades between tracks.

You can't edit MP3s...not the way you want to. One edits waves. One
rips waves, edits them then encodes them to MP3.

If one has foolishly encoded to MP3 when ripping, all editing programs
must first decode them to wave, let you do your edits then save them.
If saved as MP3s, they are encoded for a second time...more time, more
work, lower quality.

Audacity is a decent wave editor.



dadiOH's dandies v3.06...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at



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