Posted by Lloyd Parsons on 01/07/08 23:38
In article <K_xgj.7238$%A6.3979@trndny08>,
Derek Janssen <ejanss1@nospam.verizon.net> wrote:
> Lloyd Parsons wrote:
> > In article <Zrwgj.1030$xA6.844@trndny09>,
> > Derek Janssen <ejanss1@nospam.verizon.net> wrote:
> >>
> >>Me, out of three possible reasons, I bought the PS3 over all the players
> >>BECAUSE none of the other standalones, even Sony's own, responded to
> >>firmware updates quite as chameleonically--
> >>I'm the guy who has Software Update auto-running every week on his Mac,
> >>because he's too darn stingy to buy a new computer until the old one
> >>falls apart, and I'm sure Imaginary Joe Shortbus Who Forgets To Breathe
> >>shares some form of the same sentiment:
> >>It's the "You can make it anything!" factor that MAKES the PS3 better
> >>than the SDP300 boxes, and someone at Sony should take notes.
> >
> > The PS3 is the oddity of the bunch. It is more computer than BD player,
> > and with its built-in networking, updates are a snap.
> (...But it's a FAILURE, because nobody's buying the GAMES!) ;)
> > But the
> > standalones mostly don't have ethernet and none have wireless, so the
> > user has to go to the website, download an update, burn the CD/DVD and
> > do the update. J6P ain't gonna put up with that, hell I know a lot of
> > people that CAN do it, and wouldn't put up with it. To many, all those
> > firmware upgrades mean one thing, it AIN'T READY TO BUY!
> >
> > Speaking of the Mac, do you know how to do a firmware update from Sony?
> > It is an EXE file you know? The question always comes up on AVSforums
> > from mac users. I know how to do it, but it is apparent that many don't.
> Well, guess that's more PS3 deprival on my part, being spoiled with just
> clicking a Settings onscreen-menu listing over the wireless Internet
> connection...
> But have to admit, that was a new one on me, so do continue to tell us
> how things work for the "cheaper" players.
> Derek Janssen
> ejanss1@verizon.net
Here's the way it is done with Sony's other players, other brands may be
1. Download the file - in Sony's case an EXE file
2. Run the EXE - really just a self extracting zip file
3. Burn the CD with this stuff, but I think you need extra SW to do it
with because it has to be a disk image burn, not a data burn.
4. Boot the player with the newly created CD and follow the menu
For the Mac, you have to do a step or two more.
1. Download the file
2. Rename to something.zip
3. Open with Stuffit Expander NOT the builtin expansion tool. Expander
doesn't come with new macs, btw. It is free though.
4. Open the image file created from Expander
5. Run Disk Utility
6. Mount the image
7. Burn the CD
8. Boot the player with the CD
While none of these are daunting tasks, most won't know about the
firmware upgrade unless they search for it or call the mfg. Then most
computer users really don't know shit about their computers, so the rest
really appears to be hard.
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