Posted by TheFlaggman on 01/31/08 00:20
On Jan 30, 5:49 pm, Rick M <rick0.merr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We're looking to relocate our sound board in a church
> from the back corner of the balcony to either the
> middle of a wrap-around balcony or in a 'sound booth'
> in the back.
> On argument is that the operator must be in the open
> to judge the sound.
> The other argument is that all
> audio and video and projection and recording folk
> ought to be in there own secluded, secure,
> non-distracting from the rest of the people location.
> I say that moving operators, screens, and fans are
> a big distraction, plus they will use the space for
> 18 or so people-in-pews.
> What's your view? What facts are needed?
Possibly suspending a couple of good sampling mics in lieu of having
the FOH
operator actually situated in the front of the house, but instead is
able to
use a headset in an isolated booth to switch between both the samples
as well as
the program board output might be a reasonable compromise . It allows
operator and sound board to be separate and isolated; as long as there
is an intercom to whoever is directing any recording.
Cameras are Ok just about anywhere as long as they are capable of
good stable well composed shots and the operators know enough to keep
other cameras out of their shots. Unlike some studios where it is felt
that a picture of a bunch of lighting cables and racks and other
cameras are 'wide beauty shots', churchgoers aren't likely to be
impressed with those. Where shots from a balcony cam are concerned I
find a 30 + optical zoom capability is best. I did a funeral on one
occasion to make a tape for those who could not attend, and was unable
to do a nice close by doing a slow zoom to a photo of the deceased
then a fade to black due to too little zoom available from the
For what it is worth.....
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