Posted by David McCall on 01/08/06 17:56
"jazu" <nofreakingspam@nospam.com> wrote in message
> Is this fx possible in Sony Vegas?
> Say I have shot of rock band playing. There are 4 musicians. Shot is from
> far away so each person looks small on the screen. Now I wanna do crop
> around each member at the same time. Each crop is starting to flying,
> fliping and zooming up on the screen. Finally, screen is divided into 4
> parts where we can see close up of each musician. Next I want to go back
> with reverse fx.
> I hope you understan my not too perfect english
> thanks
The limitations won't be Vegas.
Easiest would be to shoot with 5 locked off cameras clustered
as closely together as possible. 1 camera would be the "wide shot"
while the other 4 would be the tight shots of the 4 musicians.
Sync the 5 shots together and set up the desired motions.
Getting the moves just the way you want them might take a
bit of fiddling and some relatively simple math.
It could also be done with 1 camera and shooting the song 5 times.
The set-up in Vegas would be the same, but you would need to
get the musicians to do it exactly the same all 5 times. If the move
around in different ways on each take, you will not be able to
get it to match up.
You could extract the headshots of the 4 musicians from the same
piece of video and fly them out but the quality of the video for the
close-ups won't be very good, no matter how good the original
video was. You would need to use film to do that well that way.
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