Posted by Richard Crowley on 05/31/07 14:35
"Max" wrote ...
> Richard: Lavs aren't used for those functions because they sound
> better, they're used for their convenience. Hollywood mixers will
> always boom if possible first before they reach for a lav, which
> they'll use if the environment does not permit.
Exactly. So you think that the OP and his mother will have
better success with trying to use a cheap shotgun in a small
untreated room with no boom operator? I think you are
dramatically mistaken.
> Richard: As far as the 835b is concerned yes I'm talking from
> experience. I think i told tye before, I had a schoeps mk41, the mic
> of choice for indoors, and i compared many times both mics indoors and
> sampled them in front of all my friends on various areas, and various
> speakers in different locations, and none of them could hear the
> difference usually but when they could hear a difference they liked
> the 835b better. I can't explain why but thats what happened. Thus i
> think only strict audiophiles would hear the difference if they were
> watching your finalized product which is the vast minority. So yes i
> think that is something to brag about when the schoeps mk41(and
> optional cut filter) is more then one grand, and the 835 is i think
> around 250 or so.
Then you are saying that you and your friends don't hear
the same thing that the Hollywood professionals (who do
this every day for a living) are hearing. OK.
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